One of the best ways you can turn yourself into a money saving expert is through cutting down the cost to spend on your bills. You may not realize, if not checked, bills can really be large monsters. Having a record on your billing expenses will allow you to checked if it will dig more into your pocket. And can apply strategies how to lessen it without hurting your neccessities.
How to save money on electricity bills
Electricity bills always come first in line because large dependence on electric powered appliances. We use a lot of electric appliances every single day in our homes. These things consume a lot of energy, which is best reflected on your monthly electric costs.
With the cost of energy rising seemingly constantly, it’s worth to find ways to curb the use of electricity. Simple but often neglected energy saving tips are a big help in lowering electricity use most especially in households. You can use time –tested formula and other creative ideas you can find. And depending on your situation, this can be accomplished without making any major sacrifices.
Here are simple ways you can apply to become more energy-efficient and save money on electricity bill:
• Try to use the new compact fluorescent light bulbs rather than traditional bulbs. Compact fluorescent lanps (CFLs) can last up to 15 times longer than incandescent light bulbs and consume much less energy. By upgrading your lighting to CFLs, you can save 10 to 15 percent on your monthly energy bill.
• Unplug appliances when not in use,specifically those which have a stand-by mode function. Simply turning these appliances off is not enough because electrical appliances/devices still consume power while in stand-by mode.
• Give your air conditioner or heating devices an annual check up and cleaning. This is to make sure your cooling or heating systems are running at their highest efficiency.
• Replace your major appliances or air conditioners that more than 10 to 15 years old. They are definitely costing too much to run. Modern appliances that conform to energy saving efficiency are 10 to 20 percent cheaper to operate than other products.
How to save money on groceries
There many things you can cut down expenses on grocery shopping. This doesn't necessarily mean that you have to compromise the quality of the products that you're going to buy. Instead, you just need to take note of certain techniques that will help you save money on groceries.
Ways to save money when grocery shopping:
• Don't waste money on prepared foods. Instead, prepare meals ahead of time and freeze them, or double a recipe when cooking, and freeze the second for a hectic day coming up.
• A grocery store's main aisles, like the paths to milk and bread, are usually strewn with high-priced land mines. Avoiding those pricey areas will really help.
• Try to shop when you're alone. Those little helpers can quickly boost your bill.
• Shop early in the day. You get through the store faster with your list and spend less.
• Avoid shopping for food when you're hungry; you'll buy more.
• Don't grocery shop when you're tired, you'll buy more sweets, more high-carbohydrates. When you're angry you go for crunch food, the junk food.
• Shop with a calculator. That way, you can figure whether the unit price for a case lot is really cheaper than buying one of the same item.
• Check your receipts. No matter how careful you or the store staff might be, mistakes happen.
How to save money on phone bills
The telephone is an essential tool inside the house as this allows you to communicate with family and friends.
Here are some tips to reduce your phone bills:
• Use the same plan as friends and family. Many cellphone service providers offer free in-network calls or allow you to choose a small group of in-network friends and family that you can call for free.
• Bundle all services. There’s great benefit when you move all of your services – cellphone, cable/ satellite, Internet and home phone to one provider. You’ll likely be rewarded with a bundled service discount.
• Go prepaid. If you only use your cell phone for occasional calls, a prepaid plan may be the cheapest service option for you.
• Switch to unlimited texting. Text messages can cost Php 1.00 in the Philippines to send. If you do a lot of text messaging, a plan with unlimited text messages is definitely the way to go.
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